Math Teachers At Play #10

Welcome to the tenth edition of Math Teachers At Play blog carnival! Here with the heat of the summer, "less is more". We concentrate on teaching issues, but also get to "play" a bit with binary numbers, geometry, integers, and an optical illusion. TEACHING What's a math teacher going to do with Wolfram | Alpha ? In case you haven't heard... Wolfram|Alpha is a new, computational search engine. And if you're a math teacher, you should be aware of it. Collection of Web Freebies discusses Wolfram|Alpha as your Personal Free Online Math Assistant . I wrote an introduction to Wolfram|Alpha as well. I feel it can both be a benefit and a drawback to math education - a benefit because it can free us from routine calculations, and a drawback because students still need to learn to do those, but how can you easily enforce that? W|A presents a dilemma to math teachers... because it can solve SO MUCH. It can solve just about any routine type calculation in alg...