
Showing posts from October, 2017

Four principles of deeply effective math teaching

I went through and thoroughly updated this article of mine... have you read it in the past? Four basic principles of deeply effective math teaching If you were asked what were the most important principles in mathematics teaching, what would you say? I wasn't really asked, but I started thinking, and came up with these basic habits or principles that can keep your math teaching on the right track. Principle 1: Let It Make Sense Principle 2: Remember the Goals Principle 3: Know Your Tools Principle 4: Living and Loving Math

Play With Your Math puzzles

An intriguing website.... problems, but not solutions (not that I can see... but maybe, if you subscribe to get email updates, you'd get the solutions?) Their idea is, We take problems that we love, and we adapt them so that everyone (and anyone) can play. We design posters and handouts that hook you visually and explain the problem in just enough words. The problems that we’ve picked require trying, struggling, failing, adjusting, and trying again until, finally, a discovery is made. I definitely agree... that's what TRUE problem solving is all about! Doing it with math can prepare students for REAL LIFE, where often, the problems they will be facing at the workplace will NOT have a pre-written solution. And so, that's when it's necessary to try something, struggle, fail, ADJUST your method, and try again... that's what scientists do, day in day out, and people in about any profession who are really successful in their job...