
Showing posts from July, 2018

Simple addition & subtraction facts practice for 2nd grade - from my customer

One of my customers just sent this in. Her son made this neat interactive program to practice addition & subtraction facts as they're presented in Math Mammoth grade 2. This means the single-digit addition facts where the sum is more than 10, and the corresponding subtraction facts (e.g. 7 + 8, 6 + 9, 13 - 5, 16 - 7 etc). Check it out!

Carnival time!

Math Teachers at Play blog carnival 118 is online at Math Mama Writes. Check it out! What is Math Teachers at Play carnival? It's a "smorgasbord" of ideas related to teaching math. This time you will find topics such as - forgetting what they have learned - thoughts on the card game War - counting with dice - origami workshop - Venn diagram puzzle - and more! Enjoy!