
Showing posts from March, 2020

Seven Up - game for addition facts (sums of 10)

This week, CodeLover (my son) and I played this simple card game Seven Up... see You simply deal seven cards face up, and if any two of them make 10, or is 10, you remove those. (You need to remove the face cards from the deck before playing.) Then you simply deal more cards to the empty places and keep on going. If you can't remove any of the cards, deal 7 new cards on top of your existing cards. This simple game is quite fun and practices sums with 10. One question to ask is, do you always win? Can you always remove all the cards and have none left in the end of the game? Another question you can ask your child is, can this be played so the sum of the cards you remove is 11? or some other number? 😃 Have fun!