Grading tests and math homework
A few days ago I got a question from Jennifer concerning GRADING a child's math work, and I think it's a good question! How do recommend that parents grade when using Math Mammoth? Should I score every assignment? Or just tests? Before we pulled our children out of public school, only tests were being counted for their grade. What do you recommend? Thanks Jennifer I don't actually give any exact grading recommendations regarding Math Mammoth but leave it up to parents/teachers. I do include a grading rubric for the tests, but that's all. Personally, I feel that grading needs to be such that it doesn't discourage the child. It really depends on the child. Some children are better off without any scores but just feedback on where they need to work more, how to fix errors, etc. All grading probably should be accompanied with notes like "You worked hard and I appreciate that!" "Here you show you've ...