Pi's digits
Here's the answer as to how many decimal places Pi's decimal expansion has been calculated:
1,241,100,000,000 decimal digits
It's more than 1 trillion digits!
This was done in 2002 by Yasumasa Kanada and 9 other individuals in Tokyo.
See www.super-computing.org/pi_current.html for more details on this project.
Okay, and if you'd like to start memorizing it, here's a link to Pi trainer :)
1,241,100,000,000 decimal digits
It's more than 1 trillion digits!
This was done in 2002 by Yasumasa Kanada and 9 other individuals in Tokyo.
See www.super-computing.org/pi_current.html for more details on this project.
Okay, and if you'd like to start memorizing it, here's a link to Pi trainer :)