Math readers

I've had some fun building this page about math readers, or "living math" books for my main site. The list is not terribly long yet, but it will grow, I'm sure.

I discovered that Amazon has all kinds of new "widgets" available to promote their products. What do you think of this? It is a slideshow featuring MathStart readers by Stuart J. Murphy. Hover your mouse over it:

Math story books offer children an interesting way to learn math concepts, to get interested in mathematics, and to explore some fascinating topics outside of the main curriculum. It is one way to bring math to "life". Kids are almost sure to enjoy it.

On my page, I list for example Cryptoclub, a fascinating storybook that teaches how to encrypt and decrypt secrete messages, or The Adventures of Penrose - THE MATHEMATICAL CAT, in which you will encounter many fascinating mathematical topics from fractals to tessellations, or many books for little kids.

I was thinking putting all of that on a blogpost, too, but it's just "duplicate content". Maybe I'll feature a few of them here soon.

I realize not everyone can buy many math readers on top of their regular school books, but try find some of these books in your local library!


Anonymous said…
I also like the book "The Number Devil." I read it in one of my classes in college. It is on a middle school reading level. If you can get passed the fact that the main charater is a devil then it would be a great book to add to your collection of math books. In the country where the book was written a devil has a different meaning. The book has been translated for pubilcation in English. Rather than read the book from start to finish I would just read sections that are on the topic you are covering at that time. It has some fun ways to introduce topic! Check it out if you get a chance.

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