It's been quiet...

at my blog lately and I'm sorry for that. But, I have something in the works.

I'm working on a review of a "three-combo" geometry curriculum for high school geometry:

I enjoy doing geometry. This book has problems that "evolve" from one to the next, leading to important conclusions. Then it has really interesting projects, and many of them can naturally be constructed with Geometer's Sketchpad, which is lots of fun - for me anyway.

The problem is, I cannot afford to take the time to study and solve all these projects and interesting problems, but just to pick and choose one here, another there.

Anyhow, I hope to complete this review within a week.


G Johnson said…
As a free alternative to Geometer's Sketch Pad, I recommend the free Geogebra. If I had to choose, I'd use Geogebra. GJ
Preston said…
A great resource that I have seen in development is by a group at it uses geometer's sketchpad as a platform for its "math labs" but is a very refreshing "student centric" approach to teaching math

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