Learn to recognize coins
Image by Stopnlook
In the past few days I decided it's time for my younger girl to start learning how to recognize coins and learn the cent-values of various coins. She's generally been doing kindergarten-1st grade addition and subtraction and I figured she's ready.
First, I got a pile of pennies, a pile of nickels, and a pile of dimes (no quarters at first). We played where I told her to make a certain amount, such as "Make 24 cents." She made it, I checked. Then she told me to make some amount. We just take turns.
It's like a game, and great fun for her! I figure it'll work the same with other kindergarten or 1st grade kids.
Since she did pretty good, I was able to introduce quarters the next day. I showed her that two of them makes 50, and we practiced making 62 or 58 or other such amounts that use 2 quarters.
Then I showed her a quarter and a nickel, and we figured out how much that was. That's always a difficult thing - to combine just one quarter with other coins. I soon asked her to make 30 cents, or 32 - and she was able to use the quarter and nickel combination to make 30 cents.
One important thing I've done is that I have deliberately NOT yet introduced the words "nickel", "dime", and "quarter". She's heard of the penny so much that she was fine with that. I want to scaffold the teaching so that we'll first learn the coin values, and later the customary names.
So, in essence, for now I've been calling them as "5-cent coin", "10-cent coin", and "25-cent coin". Has anyone else done that?
That way I think the numerical value will be easier to learn than if I said, dime or quarter.
She is still struggling with purchasings something and only have a dollared bill to pay for it. Working on that.
I have built a free worksheet that is perfect for challenging your child in adding coins. The overall site has addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, telling time and money worksheets. Go to the site and click on the money menu bar on the left. Select the Counting Coins - United States Money link, and select the parameters you want to use and it will generate a new worksheet for adding coins with the answer key.
Try it, it is free.