Math Teachers at Play carnival posted at Math hombre. Again lots of interesting things to explore and digest. Go check it out!


Anonymous said…
Question #3 says 21, 22 are the second pair of semi-primes. What about 9,10 and 14, 15?

Then 34, 35 are another pair, unless I completely miss the idea of semi-primes.
Maria Miller said…
9 and 10 should be counted as one pair of semiprimes. Maybe the author of the question didn't realize 9 is a semiprime... or that the definition allows p and q to be identical (pq being semiprime if p and q are primes).
Online Degrees said…
Great post, its informative post, i like it,
Custom Essay said…
Hey i always be weak in the maths n this is a great post of mathematics, i m trying to understand it all. i dont know but i was very interested to read this article.

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