Teacher apprecation week is coming

I myself have enjoyed the downloadable resources from these Learning A-Z websites in the past, so I thought you might take a look, too. It's all going to be free for a week! Here's their blurb:

To thank the world's teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week from May 3-7, we're opening up all six of our PreK-6 Learning A-Z websites — for free. Sites include Reading A-Z, Raz-Kids, Writing A-Z, Science A-Z, Vocabulary A-Z, and Reading-Tutors.

Nearly 50,000 teachers took advantage of our Open House last year and pre-registration for this year is now open. Just go to http://www.learninga-z.com/openhouse — and then pass it on to your friends and colleagues!


Yash said…
hey nice post, keep up the good work !

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