Free math tutoring

David Freeling from wants to let us know that as a part of a promotion to launch his site, he's offering FREE tutoring on every Friday.

Here is some information from David:

Free tutoring will apply to specific classes, labeled as Free. Students should visit in advance and register, because space is limited. Free lessons cover fundamental math, reading and writing skills and are suitable for a wide range of ages, but especially middle and high school. Curriculum focuses on problem-solving, and kids are encouraged to play along from home and be prepared with a calculator, pen and paper. Students will also be able to bring in their own homework problems for small group tutoring, in classes of up to 5 students.

The site also says, "TutorTalk Classes are dynamic, interactive small-group classrooms, led by a qualified teacher, and hosting up to five students. Students work together and chat to solve onscreen problems from the comfort of their own homes, with the help and hints of the instructor."


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Anonymous said…
I really like ur free tutorial.. this will help me to understand the basic concepts of mathematics..
Brainy Academy said…
Brainy Academy offers some of the best and most affordable tutoring in the South Brooklyn area. We offer tutoring in Math, Reading, and Russian.

Math is a difficult subject for many kids, and for others math is a piece of cake and they need to move faster in the curriculum.

There are many problems with our public education system, but whether your child is moving too fast or too slow for his or her own pace, Brainy Academy is here to help!

We use one of the most highly regarded systems to teach math to children. We use the Singapore math method, which gives children problem solving and reasoning skills, so that they can solve math problems by themselves.

If your child is in need of tutoring, please visit our website at, call us, or visit our location at 1733 Sheepshead Bay Road.
Anonymous said…
I appreciate you for your this work. student can learn online tutoring.

Maryland Math Tutor

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