Mastermind game giveaway

First of all... Math Teachers at Play 34 is online... go check out the posts!

Then... I'm doing a giveaway again... one of you, my readers, can be a lucky one to win a free Mastermind board game!

Update: The winner is now chosen, the third commenter below, named Ă„iti. This went quick!!!!!! Comments are therefore closed.

The lady who contacted me about it said that many of today's adults actually KNOW the game from their childhood, but don't know it's still available.

I haven't played it as a child, but a few years ago I found Mastermind online (on several math games websites), and I found I like it!

This is how Mastermind works:
You need to guess the "secret code" of colored pegs: both the color and the order they are in. You make a guess, and your opponent (or computer) tells you some clues. A black clue means you got one peg the right color AND in the right position, whereas a white clue means you got a peg with right color in the wrong position.

It's basically a logic game... you need to think logically about your guesses and the given clues.

Go play it online here (against the computer) at National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. This version is nice, as it allows you to limit the number of colors, which is helpful for new players or small children.

How to take part?
Simply leave a comment to this blogpost. Follow my blog and once you see I've chosen the winner, the winner needs to contact me with their contact and shipping info. This giveaway runs until I have 10 comments OR January 31, whichever happens first.


Unknown said…
I remember this game! I would love to introduce my daughter to it.
Penny said…
Please enter me in the drawing! Looks like a fun game!
shirley said…
I loved Mastermind as a child and have been thinking about buying it for the kids. Thank you for the opportunity to receive it!
mgill said…
I ejoyed this game as a child...but remember it as a "hard" game...especially when there was more than one of the same color. There's a version of it on Webkinz as well. Great logic (I'm still challenged by it!)
Katy said…
We played this game when I was a kid! I'd love to have it to play with my kids!
Shana E. said…
Homeschool mom here with a son who loves math and games so this would be an awesome match! Thanks for offering :)
Nichole said…
This sounds interesting. I've never heard of it, but it looks fun!
Sandielynn said…
Any game to help kids think logically is a winner in my book! Thanks for the giveaway!
a5mac said…
I have never heard of this game. Very interested. Thanks for the chance to win this game. Laura Mc
Andi said…
Would love to win this for my kids. Thanks for the chance.
Shannon said…
I would love this for my daughter
Beth said…
I would love to win this game. I have some children who are in serious need of fun math! Thanks for the chance to win!

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