Free access to Mathletics

Mathletics is an online math practice program/curriculum that I have reviewed in the past. Now, they have a special offer for bloggers:

We are offering a simple and elegant exchange: some of your time and experience in exchange for free access (3 months) to the award-winning Mathletics. All that we ask is that you try the latest version of Mathletics and let others know about your experience and your successes.

Sign Up Here:

3P Learning will provide:
  • Free Mathletics access for a period of 3 months for up to 3 students (preferably students in your household)
  • A personalized Parent Center allowing you to see results and to access additional E-books
  • Administrative and technical support
  • Curriculum adjustments to ensure the students are always working at their skill level

What they’re looking for: 

Creative and original blog entries (100 to 500 words) describing your and your students’ experience with Mathletics. These may be written in the form of site overviews, personal experiences, lesson plans or plans for integrating Mathletics into home education, a discussion of a particular activity or curriculum that was helpful, etc. Feel free to use screen-shots and images of your student award certificates.  We will also provide you with a discount promo code to share with your reading public. Particularly strong pieces will be linked into the Mathletics monthly newsletter, so the whole Mathletics community will be potential traffic for your site.

If you have any questions, email USA [ at]


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